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Handler · Version 1

SharePoint List Item Update Microsoft SharePoint

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This handler updates an item for a given Sharepoint list using the REST API and basic authentication. The item content to be updated is passed as a JSON string, where the keys are the list item labels (Title, Due Date, etc) and the values are the values to place in those columns when the item is updated. The field keys for a list can also be found by using Sharepoint List Items Retrieve to get an already created item, which can then be used to determine which keys match up with what columns. Any errors that happen during the call are caught and re-raised and the handler will return an empty result set upon a successful update.

  • Make sure the SharePoint Web Services database is turned on.
Name Description Sample
username The username of the Sharepoint account.
password The password of the Sharepoint account. *********
domain The domain of the Sharepoint server that will be used for authentication.
sharepoint_location The location/url of the main sharepoint site
enable_debug_logging Enable debug logging if the value is set to 'Yes'. No
Name Description Sample
List Name The name of the list that the item should be updated on. Sample List
Item Id The id of the item to update. 3
Item (JSON) A JSON representation of what the item should be updated to. {"Title": "Updated Title", "Random Number": 17, "Random Date": "2017-12-31"}

Sharepoint List Item Update V1 (2017-12-21)

  • Initial version. See README for details.
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