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Bridge Adapter · Version 5.0.3

Kinetic Platform Kinetic Platform


Kinetic Platform Bridgehub Adapter

This bridge adapter is used for setting up bridges to interact with the Kinetic Platform itself. This adapter replaced the Kinetic Core Bridge Adapter which is now deprecated.

Common uses for the Kinetic Platform Bridge Adapter are to populate drop-downs and check boxes within a Kinetic Form based from other Kinetic Forms or a list of Kinetic Platform users.

Configuration Values

Configuration Values provide connection information that configures where and how the adapter connects to the target system. Configuration values are set inside the Kinetic Platform admin console under Space > Settings > Plugins > Bridge Adapters > Specific Adapter.

Name Description Example Value
Username The username that will be used to access the Kinetic Core information
Password The password that is associated with the username secret-password
Kinetic Core Space Url The url of the Kinetic Core instance up to and including the space that up want to be retrieving the data from https://localhost:8080/kinetic/space-slug

Supported Structures

Name Description
Space Get space
Kapps Get kapps
Forms > KAPP_SLUG Get forms for a kapp
Submissions Get a submission. id=submission_slug required in qualification mapping
Submissions > KAPP_SLUG Get submissions for a kapp
Submissions > KAPP_SLUG > FORM_SLUG Get submissions for a kapp and form
Teams Get teams
Users Get Users

Attributes and Fields

Attributes are a mapping between a Name that can be referenced in the Platform and Fields. Fields are accessors to values in the source system that will be returned with the record. Attributes are set inside the Kinetic Platform admin console under Space > Models > Specific Model > Attributes.

  • If no fields are provided then all fields will be returned.

Qualifications (Query)

A qualification is a definition for a request made by the bridge adapter. Qualifications are set inside the Kinetic Platform admin console under Space > Models > Specific Model > Qualifications.

  • This adapter supports all queries that Core API supports for the given context.
  • An id parameter is required for datastore submission and kapp submission lookups.

Example Qualifications

  • Get a form and its fields: q=slug="${parameters("Form Slug")}"&include=fields
  • Get teams by their parent name: q=parentName="${parameters('Parent')}"
  • Get space information, including the filestore property in the response: "${parameters("Space Slug")}"&include=filestore
  • Get a list of Kapps and their associated security Policies for the specified Space, displaying up to 1000 results in ascending order by their Created At value: q=slug="${parameters("Space Slug")}"&limit=1000&orderBy=createdAt&direction=ASC&include=securityPolicies
  • Get information for a specific form in a Kapp, including the name of each field in the form: q="Kapp Slug"="${parameters("Form Slug")}"&include=fields
  • Get a list of submissions, including all details about each submission: "${parameters("submissionId")}"?include=details
  • Get a list of the 25 most recent submissions in descending order for a specific Kapp, including activity information: q=slug="${parameters("Kapp Slug")}&direction=DESC&limit=25&include=activities
Get a list of the 50 most recently requested submissions for a specific form in ascending order, including the email of the user specified in the Requested By field:
q=slug="${parameters("Form Slug")}&direction=ASC&limit=50&

Get a list of users, including membership information for each:

Important notes

  • Ampersands in the qualification mapping that are not intended to split parameters must be encoded. ex: index=values[foo],values[bar]&q=values[foo]="Fizz %26 Buzz" AND values[bar]=""
  • Ampersand can be in values represented by ${parameter(...)}. ex: index=values[foo],values[bar]&q=values[foo]="${parameter("foo")}" AND values[bar]="" where ${parameter("foo")} == Fizz & Buzz
  • This adapter can not currently be used with the Kinetic Calendar.

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