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Handler · Version 1

Active Directory User Create Active Directory

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This handler will use the server information and user credentials configured in the task info values to authenticate and connect to the specified Active Directory server (using LDAP) and create a user entry.

In order to build up the Distinguished Name (a unique identifier for the active directory user entry), the handler uses a template specified as a task info value.

The following entry attributes are set once the user entry is created:

  • Direct Mappings

    • givenname => First Name
    • sn => Last Name
    • displayname => Full Name
    • description => Description
    • physicaldeliveryofficename => Office
    • telephonenumber => Telephone
    • mail => Email
    • title => Title
    • department => Department
    • company => Company
  • Computed Mappings

    • userprincipalname => Is set the the "User Logon" parameter if it was provided using the User Principal Name format. This attribute is not set if the "User Logon" parameter was provided without the "@domain" suffix.
    • samaccountname => Is set to the username portion of the "User Logon" parameter.
    • initials => A concatenated string of the capitalized first letters of each word in the "Full Name" parameter.
  • Special Attributes

    • objectclass => [top,person,organizationalPerson,user]

If the node parameter "Activated" is set to 'Yes', the user will be activated immediately after the entry attributes have been set.

Task Info Configuration

  • dn_format - This value is used to specify the distinguished name of the Active Directory user entry to be created. Anything within curly braces {} will be replaced with the value of the entry attribute or task info value associated with that key. For example, the default format is 'CN={displayname},CN=Users,{base}'. In this case {displayname} is replaced with the displayname attribute value and {base} is replaced with the value of the 'base' task info value. A full list of available entry attributes is available above. If you use organizational units they can be substituted into the distinguished name in this manner.
Name Description Sample
User Logon The user's logon id. This value should be specified as a User Principal Name (UPN) using the format ''. By convention, the User Logon is typically set to the same value as the user's email addresses. In older Active Directory implementations, the domain may be omitted and the User Logon may be provided using the format 'username'. <%=@results['First Name']%>.<%=@results['Last Name']%>
First Name The first name of the user. <%=@results['First Name']%>
Last Name The last name of the user. <%=@results['Last Name']%>
Full Name The full name of the user. In most Active Directory implementations, this value must be unique. <%=@results['Full Name']%>
Description The description of the user. This value is displayed within the Active Directory user list and is often used to describe the role or purpose of a user account. <%=@results['Employee Type']%>
Office A string representing the location of the user's office. This could be a building name or number, floor, room or cube number, or any combination of values. <%=@results['Office Location']%>
Telephone The primary telephone number of the user. <%=@results['Business phone']%>
Email The email address of the user. <%=@results['Email Address']%>
Title The user's job title. <%=@results['Title']%>
Department The primary department that the user is a member of. <%=@results['Dept']%>
Company The name of the company that the user is employed by. <%=@results['Company']%>
Activated Indicates whether or not the the user's account should be activated upon creation. Yes
Name Description
Distinguished Name The distinguished name of the user entry that was created. For example: CN=Daniel R Thompson,CN=Users,DC=kineticdata,DC=com

Active Directory User Create V1 (2011-01-14)

  • Initial version. See README for details.
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